Tuesday, November 23, 2010


I know that we are supposed to write about something that we read, but I had a whole bunch of thoughts that I wanted to get out. 
When I was a child, I used to love the holidays.  Everyone in our family would get together at my grandparents house.  And I mean everyone, there were no excuses.  We used to have 7 tables, my grandmother even had tables on the porch.  If you didn't show, it was the rath of grandma.  And nobody wanted that.  My Uncles used to joke that if they did not show up she would come and hunt them down.  I think that it is funny that these huge men were afraid of a woman who was 5"2".  I miss those days, my grandmother has been gone for 20 years now and no one from that side of the family gets together anymore. 
Now to get to why I am posting this.  I have 8 brothers and 14 nieces and nephews and 3 grandchildren.  My mother was planning this huge dinner and went and bought a turkey that would feed a small village and how many will we have for dinner on Thursday?  6, yes that is right.  Everybody is going other places or is just making excuses not to come and I am not sure why.   Come on people!  We don't know how much longer dad will be around.  This is the time that we should all be together and thank God for the time that we have him here.  Sometimes I get so frustrated!  I understand that my children have other families now.  I guess that I feel really bad for my mom and my stomach, because I am the one who will have to bring home the left-over turkey.  I will be eating turkey for a month.  Well I hope that everyone has a good holiday and remember what the holiday season is really about.  Spend time with your family!!  Even if it is just an hour, and thank God that you have them here to be with.


  1. Denise, I would be more than happy to clean up some of your leftovers for you.
    But on a serious note, a divorce has recently spit my extended family. Aunts and uncles don't get along, and it seems like the whole family chooses sides. Its ridiculous to me, as thanksgiving used to be my favorite time of year. Now I just spend with people I can hang out with, instead of my family.

  2. I love looking back on the memories from childhood thanksgivings. but I can understand your frustration!
